If your order has not been shipped: Please email us at support@ruggable.com with your order number and the updated shipping address.
If your order has been shipped: The quickest way to change your shipping address is by signing up for FedEx Delivery Manager and searching your order tracking number on FedEx.com. From there, select “Deliver to Another Address” under “Manage Delivery.”
If you need to change your shipping address because you will not be home during a delivery, you can also request that your package be sent to a FedEx location or Walgreens until you’re ready to pick it up through FedEx’s Delivery Manager. See instructions here.
Please remember to check your spam / junk mail folders when waiting for a response from us. Sometimes our emails get delivered there instead of your inbox.
We also recommend that you add support@ruggable.com to your Email Contacts or Safe Sender list so you don't miss a response from us.